
hot summer!

hot! hot!!!!

recently, it's sunny day♬ 

i lav summer! summer is coming soon♥ :)


d u know the one!?

name is "zennzai"(ぜんざい)

It is sweet of OKINAWAN food.

"zennzai" base is similar "osiruko".(おしるこ)

but, "zenzai" is top on the ice.

it is so coolish, and sweets♪

try it one♥♥

2 件のコメント:

T さんのコメント...

hi sweetttsssss,
wow, it looks really good and i think it must be good for summer!
yeah i love summer too!
where can u get that sweet?
can u tell me the info. of the shop please?
take care

eri さんのコメント...

actually, it only buy in Okinawa,


Okinawan's restaurant!